This Memorial Square comes to us from Beverly in Virginia in honor of her cousin, John Thrower, Jr. Beverly writes: I was forwarded the link and an article about your project from a co-worker who thought I would be particularly interested as my family lost a member in 2020. Many thanks to you, your mother, teacher and others for bringing life to the pandemic through your works. I would like to submit the attached photo of my cousin John Thrower, Jr. He was a transit driver here in Richmond, VA. John had a smile that was large and an infectious personality that matched it. On September 23, 2020, all of that would come to an end as he passed due to complications of COVID-19. His wife has not recovered from this tragic loss to this day. I feel like this Memorial Square would be an additional act toward some type of mental recovery for Tracey. We will honor and remember John on the Covid Memorial Quilt.

This Memorial Square comes to us from Cecilia in California in honor and memory of her father, Marco C. Rodriguez. Cecilia writes: Marco C. Rodriguez sadly passed away from COVID-19 at the age of 88 years. Like so many families, he was taken away from us too soon. He was hospitalized on December 19, 2020 and died on December 27, 2020. We did not get to see him, nor speak to him because he was in the ICU section of the hospital. We did not get to say goodbye. He was buried on Monday, January 11, 2021, in a very small, closed casket, private ceremony. It is very, very difficult to believe that Dad is gone. He was a good man, an honest person, a hard working man, a religious man, who cared for and loved all his family members. He was "Papi" to nine children, six girls and three boys, he was "Tata" to eleven grandchildren, four girls and seven boys, and also to two great-grandchildren, two boys. He is survived by his wife, and his children, his grandchildren and great-grandchildren, all but for one of his daughters who sadly passed away from cancer in 2004, and his first grandson who passed away in 2014. Thank you for honoring the memory of so many, like our Dad, who by no fault of their own fell victims to this horrible, deadly virus. We will honor and remember Marco on the Covid Memorial Quilt.

This Memorial Square comes to us from Michelle in California in honor and memory of her father, Frank Cervantes. Michelle writes: Hello. My name is Michelle. I lost my hero, my dad Frank Cervantes to COVID-19 in November 2020. My dad was a young 75 years old. A single father of three he was currently battling Multiple Myeloma in treatment for the past year and suffered a heart attack in September. Neither of the two slowing him down. Unfortunately, a family member thought it would be okay to take him on a day trip and he contracted the virus October 20th. He got to enjoy retirement for 10 years after retiring from PepsiCo after working for them for 30 years. He was a great cook and all his family would enjoy Sunday dinners every weekend at his mom's house. My grandma lost her eldest and favorite son. We lost the best dad. The family lost a patriarch. This is my dad. My dad is not a statistic or a number. He is Frank Cervantes. A loving son who cares for his 93 year old mother, a great father who cares, as a single father, for his 3 children when their mother wanted to give them up for adoption when they divorced. A man who showed you he cared by cooking with his heart a feast of food every weekend even in his pain of cancer. Thank you. We will honor and remember Frank on the Covid Memorial Quilt. (NOTE: The photo was sent to make Frank's Memorial Square along with the bio above. When the Memorial Square is completed, it will be replaced here.)

This Memorial Square comes to us from Lupe in honor and memory of her husband, David Villanueva, who died of COVID-19. Lupe writes: My husband passed away on January 13, 2021, due to Covid at the age of 44. His name is David Villanueva, a father to 3 kids, and my soulmate. He was an amazing person, loving, caring, and with a great personality. He worked for SpaceX as an Engineer in the Avionics Department. He was really smart and a part of the team that helped make History and send people into Space again. David loved music, always had music playing or would be with his guitars, practicing how to play a Beatles song. He has been greatly missed and always will be. He will always be in our hearts and in our thoughts. Next weekend, March 26 and 27, he will finally be laid to rest. The Cemetery has been so backed up we have had to wait this long before we could do a proper funeral service for him. Not being able to have any services for him have made it more difficult for us, not to be able to say our last goodbye to him. So this Quilt piece will be amazing for us so we know he is going to be remembered out there as a person, because he is not a number. He was a family man that was still needed at home to see his kids grow up. We will honor and remember David on the Covid Memorial Quilt. (NOTE: The photo was sent to make David's Memorial Square along with the bio above. When the Memorial Square is completed, it will be replaced here.)

This Memorial Square comes to us from Ellen in Arizona in honor and memory of her husband, David, who died of COVID-19. Ellen writes: I think it is a great and wonderful project you are doing. David, I will love you forever. We will honor and remember David on the Covid Memorial Quilt.

This Memorial Square comes to us from The Buckley School community in California to honor and remember Nicholas Glover, who died of COVID-19. Nicholas Glover taught fourth grade at Carpenter Community Charter School. Nicholas was diagnosed with the virus over the school break, but was resting at home and even felt he might be able to report to work next week. Unfortunately, his health quickly declined and he passed away at home. Over the past 17 years, Nicholas taught fourth grade classes, but he wasn't just a teacher, but an integral part of the community. Principal Joe Martinez says: "He was oftentimes the voice of reason for the staff, provoking deeper thought and helping us reflect thoroughly on decisions that impacted our school community. In addition, he always made a point of acknowledging others." "In his classroom, he would take the time to build meaningful relationships with his students and their families. His wisdom and his amazing sense of humor will be missed by all." Nicholas is survived by his wife, Susan, and their two children, Andrew and Emma. The Buckley School is honored to remember Nicholas Glover and submit a Memorial Square on his behalf. We will honor and remember Nicholas on the Covid Memorial Quilt.
IN MEMORY OF DONNA L. WHEAT - 01/24/1935 - 12/10/2020

This Memorial Square comes to us from Kimalla in honor and memory of her mother, Donna L. Wheat, who died of COVID-19. Kimalla writes: I am hoping this gets to you in time to be used for the quilt. My mother died on 12/20/2020 from Covid. It has changed so many lives because of her death. Let me thank you ahead of time for making this quilt. We will honor and remember Donna on the Covid Memorial Quilt.
(NOTE: We are always accepting new Memorial Squares and we will be making new panels until every person lost is remembered on the Covid Memorial Quilt.)

This Memorial Square comes to us from Donna in Michigan in honor and memory of her husband, MSgt Jerry A. Bunce, who died of COVID-19. Donna writes: I am enclosing the obituary we wrote for Jerry. He was a wonderful man, husband, father and grandfather who has been missed every day since he passed. We are so grateful to you for making these quilts honoring those taken from us before their time. From the obituary: Jerry had a generous spirit and enjoyed helping others. He was a member of the Lions Club International and Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, where we was recognized in 1985 as Big Brother of the year. He served meals regularly at the Salvation Army, participated in Habitat for Humanity projects and served at his church, to include a mission trip to Alaska. He was an avid reader and enjoyed gardening, woodworking and bird watching. He found most joy in offering a helping hand to and spending time with family and friends, which always included much laughter. Jerry will be remembered as a true patriot and a Godly man of intention and integrity who was completely devoted to those whom he loved. We will honor and remember Jerry on the Covid Memorial Quilt.

This Memorial Square comes to us from Patty in California to honor and remember her mother, Leona Graboski, who died of COVID-19. Patty writes: It took me awhile to find a suitable picture of my mom, find a place to print it on fabric, and then hand sew it together since I do not have a sewing machine anymore, but here it is. You and your mother are correct...seeing and reading each Memorial Square is very therapeutic. I must have cried a hundred tears reading them. About Leona Graboski, my mother: My Mother's last year of her life during the COVID lockdown was extremely lonely. She was not able to have visitors like she used to have. Being locked down in her apartment in an assisted living facility for so many months seemed like prison to her. It was very hard to see her suffer like that. In the end, she got Covid from a staff member rather than her family that was not allowed to visit her for safety reasons. My Mother was such a huge family person. Family is what mattered to her most. My sisters and I miss her terribly. We will honor and remember Leona on the Covid Memorial Quilt.

This Memorial Square comes to us from Donna in Missouri in honor and memory of her friend, LaVerne Whitley, who died of COVID-19. Donna writes: I read about your quilt project and I wanted to honor my former classmate by doing a counted cross stitch piece that remembers her. Thank you for what you are doing and as an avid "stitcher," I am pleased to contribute. We will honor and remember LaVerne on the Covid Memorial Quilt.

This Memorial Square comes to us from Peggy in Michigan in honor and loving memory of her husband, Terry L. Watson, who died of COVID-19. Peggy writes: You are so kind and generous to take on such a huge project. It means so much to all of us who are dealing with the grief of losing a loved one to COVID. Terry proudly served his country as a member of the United States Army during the Vietnam War and was Honorably Discharged after 3 years of service. After returning home, Terry began working for General Motors and worked there for just over a year when he decided he wanted to give back to his community, so he enlisted in the police academy. After 26 years of service with the Bay City Police Department, Terry retired in 1998. As a Vietnam Veteran, Terry was proud and honored to travel to France, twice, to represent the United States as veteran on the anniversaries of D-Day and Operation Jubilee. The first time he attended it was an overwhelming experience to be a part of. Terry was an avid boater, golfer, and a world traveler. His favorite sports teams were the Detroit Lions, Detroit Tigers, and the University of Michigan Football Team. Left to cherish his memories are his loving wife of 31 years, Peggy, three children, three adored grandchildren, three sisters, and numerous in-laws, nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. We will honor and remember Terry on the Covid Memorial Quilt.

This Memorial Square comes to us from Steve in Washington to honor and remember his wife's grandfather, Michael Gebbia, who died of COVID-19. Steve writes: I am sending a Memorial Square to honor my wife's grandfather. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you so much for what you are doing. To all the volunteers who are a part of this project, you are all so amazing. This kind gesture is making such a personal impact on so many lives. Thank you for shining some light during dark times. We will honor and remember Michael on the Covid Memorial Quilt.

This Memorial Square comes to us from Amanda in California in honor and memory of Anastasios Vlahiotis who died of COVID-19. Amanda writes: This quilt square is sent to honor the life of Anastasia Vlahiotis. This gentleman started working as a laborer at the age of 11 and lived through the Great Depression and Nazi occupation but not COVID. He was born in Greece in 1925. He married in 1946 to Nikoletta Vlahiotis. They were married until her passing in 2015. Two sons, Yiannis and Tony, were born and following a devastating earthquake in Greece in 1953, he brought his family to California for a better life. A daughter, Catherine, was born in 1961. He worked at Continental Can Co. for 25 years and helped many friends and family with his dedication and determination. He was one of the principal leaders to bring the Greek Orthodox Church to Concord, CA., in the 1960s. He was a cantor for many years. Three thoughts that describe Anastasios best are: Hard worker. Strong believer in education. And most important of all - FAMILY. Thank you for remembering the wonderful people we have lost to this horrible disease. We will honor and remember Anastasios on the Covid Memorial Quilt.

This Memorial Square comes to us from Angie in Virginia in honor and in memory of Steve Dreier who died of COVID-19. Angie writes: Thank you for doing this project. It means so much to so many. This Memorial Square is in honor of Steve Dreier and I am submitting it on behalf of Steve's wife, Bobbie, and the many others who loved him. Steve died on April 5, 2020, of complications from COVID-19. He was 79. Steve was a mentor to me and many others. He was married to his high school sweetheart for 56 years and adored as a husband, father, grandfather, family member and friend. He was also deeply loved by his spiritual community with members around the world. Steve was a seeker of truth all his life. His search led him to the Urantia Book, a spiritual text that blends science, philosophy, and religion. He was a member of The Urantia Book Fellowship's General Council and Executive Committee for 41 years, serving two terms as president. He was a gifted teacher, speaker, and administrator, and spoke often at The Urantia Book Conference. I have enclosed a square from a t-shirt that Steve got at one such conference. It has the Urantia symbol of three concentric circles representing truth, beauty, and goodness - which come together in LOVE. Steve was a peacemaker who loved people deeply. I will always be grateful to have had him in my life as a role model. I am glad that he will get to join with all of the other great souls in the quilt and be represented this way. I know Steve would have appreciated you for doing this! We will honor and remember Steve on the Covid Memorial Quilt.

This Memorial Square comes to us from Phil in Tennessee in honor and memory of his wife, Anna L. Hayes (Newman), who died of COVID-19 on November 13, 2020. Phil writes: I saw your story on our local news. What a wonderful thing you are doing for remembrance of the victims of Covid. I lost my wife, Anna, to this virus last fall. She was a retired nurse and so am I. We took all the precautions and tried to be safe but she had several other medical problems that made her a target for Covid. She was an advocate for many having healthcare concerns even after her career was ended early by prior illnesses. She still volunteered at health fairs and mission trips for healthcare. Anna was an avid Alabama Roll Tide fan and an amateur ham radio operator, active her local radio club. She was a crafter, mostly doing needlepoint, crochet and sewing clothes, but had done a memorial quilt square for some of our pets that passed away in the past. She was an animal lover, especially of chihuahuas and cows, and I am enclosing some cow print material, some photos and her obituary. God bless you and all of your helpers and supporters for honoring not just my Anna, but so many more - all of the over 1/2 million lost to Covid in the last year. We will honor and remember Anna on the Covid Memorial Quilt. (NOTE: The photo was sent to make Anna's Memorial Square along with the bio above. When the Memorial Square is completed, it will be replaced here.)

This Memorial Square comes to us from Gina in Missouri in honor and memory of her mother, Mary Teresa Gianchino, who died of COVID-19. Gina writes: This is the coolest thing ever! My mom stitched this angel years ago. She enjoyed stitching things for family and friends. Items we can now cherish forever. My Mom also made the best Italian cookies. Those recipes will be made in memory of my Mom. I hope someday to see the quilt in person. You are so awesome for doing this. Thank you so much. We will honor and remember Mary Teresa on the Covid Memorial Quilt.

This Memorial Square comes to us from Vicki in California in honor and in memory of her father, William R. Jones, who died of COVID-19. Vicki writes: Thank you so much for offering this wonderful opportunity to honor the memory of our father, William R. Jones. We lost him to Covid the week before Christmas, 2020, after a sudden outbreak in his memory care home. He had just turned 88 in November, and we were able to celebrate that birthday with him outdoors with social distancing and wearing masks. A little over a month later, he caught the virus and was gone four days later. In designing the quilt square, we thought a lot about how to best represent his life, and what was important to him. The flags tell his story. We added the nautical signal flags which spell out his name, WR Jones, since sailing was a lifelong passion. Designing and creating this quilt square gave comfort in our grieving process, and helped with closure after his passing, since we were unable to have any memorial services at the time due to the Covid surge going on. We will have one this summer on a sailboat, and leave his ashes at sea, as were his wishes. We will honor and remember William on the Covid Memorial Quilt.

This Memorial Square comes to us from Gisella in New York in honor and memory of her father, Fred A. Rivera, who died of COVID-19. Gisella writes: Thank you for the love and care you have shown and continue to show the families who have lost loved ones to this terrible pandemic. We too lost our father, Fred A. Rivera, last April 3, 2020. He was one of the first victims, when doctors and nurses didn't know what to do and how to care for those who had gotten sick. He was 84 years old and, though he wanted to go to be with our mother, his wife, who had died in July 2017, we didn't want to lose him. We take comfort from the knowledge that they are together again. My father and mother met in their early 20s. My father was 22 and my mother 20. They had both signed up for a stage play sponsored by their university. It was A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare. My father was cast as Theseus and my mother as Hippolyta. The play revolved around the wedding of Theseus and Hippolyta. Life followed play. My parents fell in love and a few years later, they married. Their love for each other stayed strong through over 50 years of marriage. They left behind 5 children, 10 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren. All of us loved them both so very much. It was very painful to lose him since he was so strong and healthy before COVID-19 took him. No family member was allowed to be with him at the end. We said goodbye to him through Facetime. Knowing that he will be part of the Covid Memorial Quilt brings so much comfort to us. We will honor and remember Fred on the Covid Memorial Quilt.

This Memorial Square comes to us from Sarah in Missouri in honor and memory of her sister, Judith Daphne Catz, who died of COVID-19. Sarah writes: Attached is a photo of my sister. Her name is Judith Daphne Catz aka Judy or JuJu. She was born March 24, 1951 and died on December 1, 2020. Judy lost oxygen at birth but that didn't stop her from having a huge heart. She lived her entire life in Los Angeles and she loved animals - especially dogs - movies and the Los Angeles Dodgers. She also loved her friends and family and was so loyal. She touched everyone she met and is missed tremendously. We will honor and remember Judy on the Covid Memorial Quilt. (NOTE: The photo was sent to make Judy's Memorial Square along with the bio above. When the Memorial Square is completed, it will be replaced here.)

This Memorial Square comes to us from Nancy in New Jersey in honor and in memory of her brother, Richard Lee, who died of COVID-19. Nancy writes: It would mean a lot to me and my family if you would include my brother, Richard Lee. We lost him to COVID-19 on 4/22/20. Growing up he enjoyed playing cards, reading comics, Superman, Lois Lane, Supergirl, Batman and Robin. AND since 4 of the 5 siblings were relatively close in age -- we are basically 1 year apart each -- there would be many a day when we would play Monopoly with the usual cheating that would happen amongst siblings, the slipping of extra $100 bills or outrageous trades. His favorite sport was playing basketball and going to ball games. He enjoyed reading and collecting LIFE magazines and Reader's Digest. His favorite store was the $.99 cent store where he could spend what little money he had and surprise his family with gifts from there. Thank you for what you are doing to help ease our loss. We will honor and remember Richard on the Covid Memorial Quilt. (NOTE: The material in the photo was sent to make Richard's Memorial Square along with the bio above. When the Memorial Square is completed, it will be replaced here.)

This Memorial Square comes to us from Sylvia in Alabama in honor and memory of her husband, Colon L. Mills, who died of COVID-19. Sylvia writes: I have made my 8 inch quilt square from one of Colon's shirts. As you can see, I cut out the double pocket on his shirt and I used one of his neck ties on the sides. I have put one of his personal cards that he always used to give out to everybody in one of the pockets. Whoever gets the quilt, I hope they open the pocket and get his card. He will love it. My husband died on December 31, 2020. We will honor and remember Colon on the Covid Memorial Quilt. (NOTE: We blurred out the home address on Colon's card, but it will be inside the pocket on his Memorial Square, hiding there, on display, a secret for all those who now "know" Colon.)

This Memorial Square comes to us from Joyce in Arizona in honor and memory of Richard Buck, who died of COVID-19. We will honor and remember Richard on the Covid Memorial Quilt.

This Memorial Square comes to us from Joyce in Arizona in honor and in memory of her brother, Richard Lee, who died of COVID-19. We will honor and remember Cindy on the Covid Memorial Quilt.
IN MEMORY OF JEFFREY BRIAN - 02/11/1977 - 12/07/2020

This Memorial Square comes to us from Marty in Kansas in honor and memory of her son, Jeffrey "Brian," who died of COVID-19. Marty writes: Thank you for this honorable project to COVID-19 victims. Brian was a vibrant 43 year old Downs Syndrome man living in a semi-independent apartment operated by Starkey, Inc., here in Wichita, Kansas. Brian was a very friendly guy who loved writing and playing music. He read and played piano music and a little guitar, but he was best at his heartfelt writing of music. This picture is at Red Cat Recording Studio. Luke Wallace was a wonderful owner recording Brian's original song. What joy Brian had! This was in May, 2020, which was quarantine time, however, Brian was allowed private time out with just Luke and myself and we most grateful to Starkey CEO, Colin McKinney, for allowing Brian to "get out" for 3 hours! Thank you and God bless you. We will honor and remember Brian on the Covid Memorial Quilt.

This Memorial Square comes to us from Teresa in Oklahoma in honor and memory of Joe Adams, who died of COVID-19. Teresa writes: I live in a small town in Oklahoma called Noble, located south of Oklahoma City. We recently lost a very dear member of our community, Joe Adams, to COVID-19 in November, 2020. Joe was a previous Noble student, football player, graduated from Noble and then became "The Voice of Noble Football" along with MANY other volunteer projects within our community. This is our "N" claw for the Noble Bears and best represents the "Once A Bear Always A Bear" motto we all embrace - if you could include the following on a a quilt patch for him, with this portion of a t-shirt that would be awesome: In Memory of Joe Adams. The Voice of Noble Bear Football. OABAAB. 1967 to 2020. We will honor and remember Joe on the Covid Memorial Quilt. (NOTE: Once the Memorial Square is completed with Teresa's suggestions above, we will post it here.)

This Memorial Square comes to us from Dorothy in Tennessee in honor and in memory of her husband, Larry R. McAnally, who died of COVID-19. Dorothy writes: Please remember the love of my life for 59 years. My soulmate. Who passed away on 12/12/2020. Born 07/05/1942. Larry R. McAnally. Always in my heart. He carried this handkerchief. We will honor and remember Larry on the Covid Memorial Quilt.

This Memorial Square comes to us from Charlotte in New York in honor and memory of her cousin, Lee Rowe Stoner, who died of COVID-19. Charlotte writes: This square is for my cousin, Lee Rowe Stoner! 1946 - 2020. Lee celebrated life with the excitement and wonder of a child's heart and the beauty and grace of an adult. Quote from her sister and Dad: "Lee was a totally loving person who only saw the good in people and in life!" She loved bright colors and teddy bears. The square represents her earthly bear next to her spirit's bear flying over the rainbow. She used to love to say, "It doesn't get better than that!" Thank you for helping us celebrate her life. Smiles. Charlotte and Lee's whole family. We will honor and remember Lee on the Covid Memorial Quilt.

This Memorial Square comes to us from Gail in California in honor and memory of her friend, Martin Castillo, who died of COVID-19. Gail writes: He was my friend for over 20 years. He died last year on Sept 30, 2020. I hope you can use this picture. His name is Martin Castillo. He was a diesel truck mechanic. He was born in 1961. Thank you. We will honor and remember Martin on the Covid Memorial Quilt. (NOTE: Once the Memorial Square is completed we will post it here.)

This Memorial Square comes to us from Phyllis in California in honor and in memory of May and Sachie, mother and daughter. Phyllis writes: Thank you so much for doing this amazing and wonderful memorial. May was born December 26, 1947 and died Sept 21, 2020. Her mother, Sachie, was born Jan 8, 1928 and died October 4, 2020. We will honor and remember May and Sachie on the Covid Memorial Quilt.

This Memorial Square comes to us from Angela in honor and memory of her father, Florencio Verdugo, who died of COVID-19. Angela writes: First of all, I want to thank you so much for what you are doing. These quilts are going to allow all those who have lost their lives due to the pandemic to be remembered for many years to come. My father Florencio Verdugo died on February 20, 2021, at 4:30pm just 3 weeks after being admitted for COVID-19. He was 86 years old, a father of 8, grandfather and great-grandfather. He loved Jesus, his family and sports -- the LA Dodgers, Angels, Lakers, Rams and USC football. This picture was taken a year ago just about a month before everything shut down. We had a great time that day with my dad in Old Town Monrovia. We will honor and remember Florencio on the Covid Memorial Quilt. (NOTE: Once Florencio's Memorial Square is completed using his photograph, we will post it here.)

This Memorial Square comes to us from Gale in New Jersey in honor and memory of her father, Mario Spina, who died of COVID-19. Gale writes: My father, Mario, was a World War II veteran who enjoyed gardening, football, tinkering around the house, and bus trips to Atlantic City. He was married to my mother for over 50 years when she passed in 2003. The patriarch of our family, he was a kind and loving hands-on father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. My father liked to keep himself busy, always moving, constantly doing projects and chores, both for himself and for others. He was a well-known figure in the neighborhood, often stopping to give advice and offer gardening tips to all who would listen. There are at least three pussy willow trees in the surrounding yards that wouldn't be there if not for him. My father loved to talk and had the best memory of anyone I know, remembering dates, birthdays, and the most minute details of past events. He had a bad fall in January of 2020 which landed him in a nursing home. He was still there when COVID-19 hit. The nursing home closed its doors to visitors a day before his 98th birthday. It still breaks our hearts that he suffered and died alone, without the presence and comfort of his family. Afterwards, we never got a chance to celebrate his life, which he so richly deserved, due to restrictions in place at the time of his death. My father was one of a kind, a truly amazing man, and he will be forever missed. Like so many others, I still struggle with closure regarding the way my father died and I want to thank you so much for doing this for those who died as well as the friends and families they left behind. We will honor and remember Mario on the Covid Memorial Quilt. (NOTE: Once the Memorial Square is completed we will post it here.)
IN MEMORY OF VIOLETTE JANISEWSKI - 8/27/1927 - 11/7/2020

This Memorial Square comes to us from Lisa in Wisconsin in honor and in memory of her mother, Violette Janisewski, who died of COVID-19. Lisa writes: This memorial square is in memory of our beloved mother, grandmother and great grandmother, Violette Janisewski, who passed away from COVID-19 on November 7, 2020 at her assisted living facility in Oconomowoc, WI. Vi grew up and spent most of her adult years in Stanley, WI. Vi started her career as a beautician at age 16 and worked 40 years in a career she truly loved. She not only worked as a beautician but also owned two beauty salons in Stanley, WI. The material square represents the career she so enjoyed. In her later years, Vi was an avid sports fan watching the Green Bay Packers, Milwaukee Brewers and Wisconsin Badgers. She enjoyed TV - especially news programs. Vi was always a very social lady who enjoyed getting to know people and interacting with those around her. Vi was a very special lady. Her children were very lucky to have such a loving and caring mother. Rest in peace. We love you Mom! We will honor and remember Vi on the Covid Memorial Quilt.

This Memorial Square comes to us from Sally in honor and memory of her father, Robert Gilchrist, who died of COVID-19. Sally writes: Thank you for doing this project in memory of Covid deaths. My father, Robert Gilchrist, passed away on December 11, 2020, from COVID. He was sick only 5 days in the hospital and passed with two wonderful nurses but not family by his side. It is a scary, horrible death for sure. He lived a wonderful 90 years and even played golf last fall 6 times, shooting his age, too. Bob was in the Navy during the Korean War and was married for 50+ years with two children and 6 grandchildren. He was loved by many and is missed so much. Thank you for your commitment to this valued project. Use what you believe best with the enclosed items. We will honor and remember Robert on the Covid Memorial Quilt. (NOTE: Once Bob's Memorial Square is completed we will post it here.)

This Memorial Square comes to us from Bill in Nebraska in honor and memory of his uncle, Donald "Don" F. Comstock, Jr., who died of COVID-19. Bill writes: I was hoping to stop in Scottsbluff, NE, this summer to visit my uncle Don, my dad's older brother, and just found this obituary. My uncle died from COVID-19 last fall. The last time I saw him was in 2008, when we went back to Nebraska to spread my dad's ashes. His wife died in November from Alzheimer's. This was not how I thought this part of the story would end. We will honor and remember Don on the Covid Memorial Quilt. (NOTE: Bill is gathering photos and memories of his Uncle Don and sending them to us. Once the Memorial Square is made from those items, we will post it here.)

We will honor and remember Jean on the Covid Memorial Quilt.